The 8th Crucis Lancers
While I was quite certain that I wanted to paint up a lance or more of Crucis Lancers 'mechs. It took me a while to find a Crucis regiment that had a flavor, history and color scheme that I liked. I finally went with the 8th because I liked their red and silver trim and because their unit history seemed good.
The following is a list of the paints used on this lance.
- Primer: White
- Citadel:
Crimson Gore Mithril Silver Boltgun Metal Space Wolves Grey Ruby Red Sunburst Yellow Skull White Goblin Green Chaos Black
- Ral Partha:
- Steel
- Vallejo Model Color:
- Russian Uniform Green
- Dark Green
- Intermediate Green
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All images on this page are copyright © 2004 - 2010 by Peter Shah.