Miniatures Gallery

The 8th Sword of Light

The Sword of Light regiments are among the oldest and most elite line units of the DCMS. The eighth sword is the least specialized of the regiments.

When I decided to paint a Sword of Light unit I chose the eighth sword because I liked the color scheme with the jade green dragon on the flat red background.

Scout Lance Dragon Marauder
Insignia Insignia Insignia

The commander's Dragon for this company has been heavily reposed. All of the work is done with the basic Dragon sculpt and a lot of reconstructive putty work, especially on the right shoulder.


The following is a list of the paints used on this lance.

Primer: White
Jade Green Skull White
Chaos Black Goblin Green
Boltgun Metal
Blazing Orange
Ral Partha™:
Vallejo Model Color™:
Flat Red

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All images on this page are copyright © 2004 - 2010 by Peter Shah.