Lyran Guard
The Lyran Guard is one of the premier units of the LCAF. Like most Lyran battlemech regiments the guard tends to be top heavy with an unusual concentration of heavy and assault units. Unlike many Lyran units, the guard is an elite unit to be feared in combat. Tradditionally the 10th Lyran Guard regiment is commanded by the Archon designate of the commonwealth.
This is another unit I picked because of its bold color scheme. I heard that the guard was meant to be painted in some kind of blue/white livery pattern. It is pure coincidence that I chose to mark one side of the torso white and the other blue. The latest official Battletech sources show guard battlemechs painted primarily blue with the right side of the 'mech painted pure white. My 'mechs are white on the left. Even so, all things considered, I am pleased with my results.
The following is a list of the paints used on this lance.
- Primer: Black
- Citadel:
Regal Blue Space Wolves Grey Elf Grey Skull White Goblin Green Boltgun Metal
- Ral Partha:
True Blue Steel
Painting Note:
This is another unit I picked because of its bold color scheme. I heard that the guard was meant to be painted in some kind of blue/white livery pattern. It is pure coincidence that I chose to mark one side of the torso white and the other blue. The latest official Battletech sources show guard battlemechs painted primarily blue with the right side of the 'mech painted pure white. My 'mechs are white on the left. Even so, all things considered, I am pleased with my results.
The Battlemaster has been converted to a Battlemaster-S by replacing its PPC with the LRM rack from a Zeus model.
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All images on this page are copyright © 2002 - 2006 by Peter Shah.